June 1, 2011

Crackle Polish!

Whatever you want to call it whether its crackle polish or shatter polish Sally Hansen, OPI and China Glaze aren't the only ones that have it! Those are brands that are known everywhere and that seemed to be more accessable to everyone but there are still other brands. I have seen this brand online while I was searching for inexpensive crackle polish! Every where I went online they were sold out! But last week I was just checking out the stores near me, since I recently moved back home, I went to a store called Amuze! They have a lot of accesories from hang bags to jewlery to make up and of course nail polish! While I was walking through the store deciding if I wanted to get some nail polish, which I didn't! I saw Mia Secret! As far as I know this is the only nail polish in the U.S that has a vairety of colors for longer than china glaze and OPI! I think they have been out with this crackle polish longer than those to great brands.

Now I am not sure if you will be able to see but the nail polishes were already seperating not that its a bad thing but not very attractive! Lol that's just me but other than that I wanna say that they were no more than 5 bucks! Which take into consideration is cheap for a crackle/ shatter polish because they are running retail 7 bucks or more like the OPI shatter runs 8.50 just like all of their polishes. But some of OPI shatter polishes are being sold as sets with another polish which could be great if you like both of the colors or not so much if you don't like the other color. That's just mine opinion! And this brand has an orange, and green which the others don't! So if you live in the Ventura County Area you might want to go see if you can grab a couple of those! The store is located in the Rose Shopping Center!

Thanks for Looking!

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